Saturday SHOUT Out– Perfection Pending


Happy Saturday everyone!  Today I am giving a SHOUT out to my fellow blogger, Meredith, at Perfection Pending.  Meredith and I have been “following” each other for about a year, although she has been blogging for five years longer than me–  talk about stamina and ambition!  She is never at a loss for subject material, and draws from her life as a mom, her religion and spirituality, and even posts about crafts and home projects (color me impressed on that item since I am about as non-crafty as they come!).

Meredith is a special blogger to me.  She writes deeply from the heart and is incredibly honest, sometimes raw, and often humorous.  I love the way she is able to capture our vulnerability and strength as women, moms, and wives.  Her beauty comes from earthy wisdom.

I would also like to thank Meredith and Perfection Pending for giving me a chance to practice gratitude on a day when I really don’t feel like it because I am exhausted with work, family stress, and a terrific head cold.  It is a blessing to be reminded that the world is so much more than myself, and sometimes the practice of gratitude results in the real thing.

I love this post about What Bravery Looks Like When You’re A Mom .  I found it touching, inspiring, and so relevant to my own situation in life.  Thanks so much Meredith for being you and for writing your heart out!

Saturday SHOUT Out is my way of acknowledging other bloggers and friends who touch my life and make the world a better place.  If you would like to be featured in a Saturday SHOUT Out, please let me know in the comments below.  It is also encouraged (and good etiquette) that you check out the others featured, and be familiar with the format and vibe of Momaste.  Thanks!  

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